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The 8 Wastes in Lean Construction Approach

Waste, in a Lean context, is any activity that consumes resources but creates no value for the customer. Lean thinking at Turner aims to remove waste from our work processes in both the field and the office. Following are the categories of the eight major wastes typically found in our work. They can be referred to by the acronym ‘DOWNTIME’.

The first step to reducing waste is recognizing that they exist and having an effective process for identifying them. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a Lean management method for analyzing the current state and designing a future state. It shows the flow of information and material as they occur. VSM is an effective tool for mapping out the processes involved, displaying the relationship between production processes in a visual manner, and for separating value-added and non-value-added activities.

In order to identify wastes, use the VSM and start with the end customer in mind. Work backwards from the end customer to the start of the production processes. Document instances of the 8 wastes in the processes and develop a plan for eliminating or reducing them. Continue challenging your team to find more wastes and continuously improve your processes. Engage with the frontline workers and elicit their ideas for improvement. As your team begins reducing efficiencies they will gain more confidence in their problem-solving capabilities and over time reducing waste becomes a part of their daily routine.

Content Courtesy: Turner Project Management India

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