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Construction Code

Five Principles of Lean Construction

There are five guiding principles that provide the vision and direction to a LEAN journey in construction.

01: Identify Customer Value - Three types of work in every task

02: Map the Value System - Typical Project Delivery

Value-stream map is a tool that helps us view & understand the flow of material, activities, tasks & information as a product makes its way through the value stream.

03: Create the Flow - Systems thinking optimize the whole value stream

04: Establish Pull - Giving customers what they want when they want it

In a pull system, the customer’s demand is what sparks the activity leading to product development in ways that satisfy that demand.

In a push system, product development is based on a forecast and then push out to the market.

05: Seek Perfection - Plan-Do-Check-Adjust (PDCA)

The PDCA model can be utilized whenever changes are made or improvements are sought. A breakdown of the four individual steps and how one cycle leads to the next is given below:

Information Courtesy: Turner Project Management India

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